User Defined Forms
User defined forms provide a mechanism for you to store standard responses for your clients at specific stages of your relationship with them. For example you may have an Initial Assessment followed by a ThreeMonth Review etc.
User defined forms are purely for storing responses from the client. There is no analysis or reporting performed by Paua on the forms. If you are looking for analysis then Client Assessments are a better option. You may also want to check out Client Evaluations as these offer more sophisticated question types than user defined forms which only offer free text and date fields.
Process Types
Before you can create a user defined form you need to have at least one Process Type set up. Process type is normally something like Initial Assessment or Final Review. In other words it is the stage to which the form corresponds.
To create a Process Type click on the User Defined Forms link on the Administration Menu and select Process Types from the dropdown menu. You will then get the page where you can add and edit Process Types which consist simply of the name of the process.
To create a form just select the Forms option from the dropdown menu under User Defined Forms. You will be presented with a list of any existing forms with a New button to enable the creation of new forms.
In order to create a new form you must specify the Form Process as discussed above and also the Programme to which the form applies. The reason for specifying the Programme is that you may want several different forms for say Initial Assessment depending on the programme that the client is in.
If you want to use the same form for multiple programmes then check out the Make Copy option on the list of forms.
After creating a form you will be returned to the list of forms with the newly created now displayed in the list.
Adding Questions
Select the form from the list by clicking the required form in the list of forms and you will get to the page where you can edit the selected form. Primarily you will be adding questions to the form. Simply click the Add Question button and you can fill in the Question and Sub Title. An example of a Question might be ‘Key goals attained’ and the Sub Title might be ‘Include interventions used and agencies involved’ You also get to choose what data type to use for the response. The only data types are Free Text and Date. If you select Date then when filling in the form there will be a date widget like other dates in Paua and when saving the form there will be validation that the value is a genuine date.
Reordering Questions
When several questions have been added to the form you may decide that you want the questions in a different order. On the right hand side of the list are buttons that enable the questions to be shifted up and down in the list. This is the order that the questions will appear in when entering client data.
Deleting a question
There is Delete button on the right of the list of questions.
Deleting a form
In the list of forms there is a delete button on the right hand side of the list. This will completely delete the form and all the questions.
If you delete a form it does not have any effect on existing forms that have already been filled in for clients. However you will not be able to use that form in the future.
Making a copy of a form
Sometimes you may need another form that is similar to an existing form. Rather than creating a new form and adding all the questions manually you can make a copy of an existing form and then modify it. Simply click the Make a copy button from the list of forms and a new form will be created with the same questions.
The Programme on the new form will be blank and it is up to you to choose the required programme before the form can be used. Until a programme has been assigned the form will appear in the list with a programme of ‘(newly copied form)’
You can add new questions and/or delete existing questions that you do not want.
Filling in a form with client data
On client details page at the top of the page are links to the various Client Tabs containing various different data sets for the client.
You need to take the link marked Forms
If you have Evaluation Forms enabled in preferences then the top half of the page is dedicated to these forms. In this case the User defined forms are the bottom of the page.
If Evaluation forms are not enabled then the User defined forms are the only things on the page.
There are three sections to the page.
Add New Form Based Process
Outstanding Form Based Processes
Completed Form Based Processes
Add New Form Based Process
In this section all the user defined forms that are setup for the client’s programme will be listed. If there are no forms listed then it means that no forms have been set up for this programme.
To start entering data for one of the forms simply click the link for that form. The form will be added to the client data set and you can start entering responses to the questions.
When you have entered the data you have a choice of either saving the data as Draft of saving a Final version which will not be able to be further edited.
If you Save Draft then the form will appear in the section Outstanding Form Based Processes If you Save Final then the form will appear in the Completed Form Based Processes section.
Outstanding Form Based Processes
Simply clicking on the form in this section means that you can go in and modify and add answers to the form data.
Completed Form Based Processes
Once the form is in the completed section it can no longer be edited.
When exiting a client all form based processes should be in Final status otherwise Paua will refuse to exit the client.
Print Blank Form
There is an option to print out a blank form with spaces for the answers. This is useful for collecting answers when offline for later data entry.
Printing Completed Form
When you click the button Printable Version you first get an intermediate page where you can select what information that you want to print and what you don’t. The questions and answers on the form will always be printed but you get to choose which of the demographic and other client information that you want to print.
You also have the chance to pick a logo to go on the printed form. By default the normal logo that you have setup in Paua will be used.
Logos are added to the system under Dropdown Maintenance