
Reporting is an important feature of Paua and reports can be found in several different places. Many self contained reports are located on the Reports Menu. However there are many valuable reports which operate on a cohort of clients that have already been selected with the Client Search process. These reports are located on the Client Reports tab after running a Client Search. Also available after running a Client Search are any User Defined Reports that you may have created in the Administration module.

Report security

You may not want all users to be able to run and view all the reports as some of the reports may provide data that you would prefer to limit to more privileged users.

In preferences you can deny access for basic users to any reports that you do not wish them to have access to.

Reports menu option

The reports menu option is on the main Paua menu from the Home page. It consists of many reports split into multiple groups. Most reports require the user to enter some selection criteria and then submit the report. Some reports are very quick whereas some may take a little while to be generated. This of course depends on the size of your agency and also how restrictive the selection criteria are.

Where the report is expected to take some time it will often be loaded in the background while the user is presented with an animated spinner until the report is displayed.

Reports that are very heavy on processing and generate a large amount of data such as PRIMHD xml output are performed offline by a background process. The user schedules the report and when it is finished the data will appear for download under the Scheduled Report output heading at the bottom of the reports page.


Sometimes if your scheduled report does not appear, it could be that the background process has stopped. If you think this may have happened you should contact Paua Software and we can check for you.

General Reports

Under General Reports are all the reports that don’t fit neatly into one of the other categories.

Time Spent Reports

The Time Spent reports are probably the most frequently used reports and there are lots of them. They are all slightly different but have some overlap. There is even a graphical report with coloured bar charts. Try them all and see which one suits your agency best. The hours spent time is calculated from the times entered in on the Contacts page. The exception is the Hours Spent on Groups report which as the name suggests gets the data from the times entered on the Group Session page in the Groups module. A good starting point is the Hours Spent Summary.

Group Reports

Under Group Reports are the options to run a statistical breakdown of groups or an analysis of time spent on groups.

Mental Health / PRIMHD

These PRIMHD output for upload to the Ministry of Health is only available if you have PRIMHD enabled in Preferences. Note that there is considerable setup work required before PRIMHD output can be exported and accepted by MoH.

There are however Several other reports in this category that produce similar output but which adhere less stringently to MoH/PRIMHD codes. These reports along with practically all reports in Paua can be exported in Comma separated values format to enable them to be viewed/manipulated with a spreadsheeting programme such as Microsoft Excel.

Evaluation Forms

Evaluation form answers can be entered here under Evaluation Form Entry and the answers analysed by running the Evaluation Form Analysis.

Standard Form Output

Standard Forms encompass forms such as Kessler, SACS, ADOM, HoNOSCA etc. The analysis reports here will only appear for the forms that you have enabled in Preferences

Client Access Report

This report is designed as an audit of who is accessing which clients. You select one or more users and a date range. The report will itemise all clients who have been accessed by these users. The users’ own clients are excluded from the list. There is also an email option to send this list to the users themselves and their team leader if they have one setup on their user record.

Client reports from client list page

Reports run from the Client Reports tab of the Client Listing page make use of the powerful search facilities of Paua to select exactly the clients that you want to include in the report.

Printable Client List

This is simply a printable version of the list of selected clients.

Client and family member list

Another printable list but this time including family members.

Printable Address List

A list with client name, address and contact details.

Stats Breakdown

Probably one of the most valuable reports in Paua. The Stats Breakdown enables you to make a breakdown of the selected clients by any of a large number of variables. The output can also be graphed using pie charts and bar charts.

Assessment Statistics

This report enables you to view aggregate values of responses that have been made to Client Assessments. This can help in measuring outcomes as multiple responses are included in the report so any improvement or otherwise can be seen in the report.

Client Outcomes

This simple report just lists the selected clients with a list of Outcomes that have been achieved.

Open Closed Issues

This lists issues and for each issue identifies how many clients in the selection have this issue with a further breakdown of whether the issue is still open or whether it is closed.

Download Client Data

This option outputs a summary of the selected clients as a zip file of html documents, one for each client. The output is an offline process and the data is then downloaded from the Reports Menu.

User defined reports from client list page

User defined reports are available from the User defined reports tab on the client listing page. There will obviously only be reports available if you have designed some reports under the Administration module. The reports come in three types:

  • Client Listing Reports

  • Contact Breakdown Reports

  • Contact Listing Reports

Client Listings

These are simply a list of clients along with corresponding attributes including Programme, Issues, Outcomes, Entry and Exit Date etc etc.

To create a Client Listing select User Defined Reports and then Client Listings from the sub menu.

Click New Client Listing and give the report a name.

After saving you can go back and edit the report by clicking on it in the list of reports. Click Add Column and you get a dialog with a dropdown containing all the available columns. Select the required column and click Add.


You can reorder the columns from the list page if required

You can have as many or as few columns as you like.

Contact Breakdowns

These are a way of breaking down numbers of contacts and the time spent on them by different attributes. For example you might design a contact breakdown report that gave number of contacts and time spent by Programme or perhaps by Contact Type.

Creating the Contact Breakdown reports is very similar to the Client Listings

The only real difference is that you select Contact Breakdowns from the sub menu under User Defined Reports.


It is a good idea to keep the Contact Breakdown reports simple (ie. not too many columns) otherwise they become difficult to interpret.

Also note that the columns Number of Contacts and Hours Spent are automatically included in the report. You do not have to add them yourself.

Contact Listings

A Contact Listing is a report of contacts with one line per contact. You filter by Date range and optionally by Contact Type at run time. Note that the report is sorted first by the leftmost column then by the second column etc. So choose the columns that you want to order by as the leftmost columns.

These are a list of client contacts and include the columns you chose when you designed the report.

To create a Contact Listing select User Defined Reports and then Contact Listings from the sub menu.

Click New Contact Listing and give the report a name.

After saving you can go back and edit the report by clicking on it in the list of reports. Click Add Column and you get a dialog with a dropdown containing all the available columns. Select the required column and click Add. You can have as many or as few columns as you like.


You can reorder the columns from the list page if required

When you run the report, you will be asked to select the contact types you wish to report on. This includes face to face, which is selected as a tick box in a client contact. No selection means all contact types. You will also be asked for the dates you wish to report on.


On the main menu, underneath the Home button is the Dashboard. It is a quick way to see what has been happening in your organisation over the last 12 months. It shows the following reports so there is no need for you to replicate them, but if you wish to this is how:

Active Clients by Month

Go to the Client Search page Use the Active Period From and Active Period To fields to put in the dates and do not put any other parameters Click Search

New Clients by Month

Use the client search page to bring up all clients, do not put any parameters in, just click search Then go to client reports in the middle tab and click on stats breakdown Then select activation month from the dropdown

Exited Clients by Month

Go to Administration/User Defined Reports Then go to client listing reports Create a new report called Exit with a column called exit date and save it Go to the client search and with no parameters click search Click on user defined reports/client listing/exit and run the report

Contact Numbers by Month

Go to Home and click on Reports Then go to Timeme Spent Reports Click on hours spent by contact type Put in the dates you wish to report on and run the report The number of contacts is totalled at the bottom in the last column

Hours Spent on Contacts by Month

Go to Home and click on Reports Then go to Timeme Spent Reports Click on hours spent by contact type Put in the dates you wish to report on and run the report The hours spent on contacts is totalled at the bottom in the last column

Other Reports

Enquiry Statistical Breakdown

From the list of enquiries after doing an enquiry search there is a button to do a statistical breakdown of enquiries. You get to choose the breakdown by Enquiry Type, Enquiry Method or Enquirer Name