
Search Enquiries

When you click on the Enquiries option in the main navigation menu you are presented with a simple search page for listing old enquiries. After entering the required criteria and clicking Search you should get a list of enquiries that match the search criteria.

Stats Breakdown

From the Listing Enquiries page you can click the Stats Breakdown button to get a breakdown of the enquiries. After clicking Stats Breakdown you have to select what the list is going to be broken down by for example Enquiry Type or Enquiry Method.

Clicking View Report will give you a list of enquiries broken down by the chosen criterion.

Add New Enquiry

To create a new enquiry just click the New Enquiry button on the Search Enquiries page.

Edit an Enquiry

Click on the highlighted link in the Listing Enquiries page and you get the Editing Enquiry page. It is identical to the New Enquiry page but with the addition of the facility to add an attachment such as a scanned document to the enquiry.