Attachments are where you can add images, word documents, scanned referrals and so forth to the client’s record.
Adding an attachment
To open the Attachments page click on the Attachments tab link at the top of the client details page. You will see a list showing any existing attachments.
Click New Attachment and you get a screen shown where you can browse for a file on your computer to upload, enter a name for the attachment and then click Upload File to upload the attachment to Paua.
Attachments are limited in size to 5 Megabytes per attachment. This should be ample for normal use. If you find that you are exceeding this limit then it is probably because you are uploading a very large image file or the settings on your scanner are producing very large scanned file sizes. See your Administrator if you need to upload large files on a regular basis. They may be able to enable the large file option, however there is an extra licencing cost to this.
Viewing attachments
If you click on the name/description of the attachment in the list the attachment will normally be opened on your computer. Word documents will normally be opened in a new MS Word window, pdf documents will generally be opened in the browser window as will image attachments.
However this behaviour will depend on your computer and the browser you are using.
You cannot edit attachments. If you need to change something you would have to delete the attachment and upload a new one.
Deleting attachments
Admin users have the ability to delete attachments using the Delete button next to the attachment in the list of attachments. This button is not visible for basic users.